the rocks...

Friday, February 29, 2008


Question...Whats a downstairs? Seriously. Seriously? Seriously. Who the hell reads my blog? I was just wondering. Am I sitting here talking to myself in blogland? Hrmph! How wude! At least when I talk to myself, the voices in my head respond. They can hold up a decent conversation at times. I miss them. I should wake them up.

It is near the end of my holidays. Can I just have two more weeks off? Okay, just one. I think I am getting used to this. My holidays had gotten extended by a week already so that was 3 weeks in total. What did I do? Absolutely nothing. I ain't complaining. I loved it. Except for yesterday. I was bitchy. Like seriously B-I-T-C-H-Y. But, I got over it. I am cool now. More like, awesome. I excovered awesomeness! Excover. New word. Pass it on.

I am heading into the big city today. I am finally getting my paycheque. A$$holes. OH yeah. I got over it. I am awesome.

Oooh, gotta go. The baby is up.


Anonymous said...

lol my Bonnie! I read your blogs. you write some interesting stuff! and your not talking to yourself, that voice your hearing is me. OMG! that sounded creepy! but yeah, I read your blog :) love you!

Anonymous said...

Just so you don't get creeped out, It is I Wheezy who wrote the comment :)

mybonnie said...

You Rock =)

Anonymous said...

I read your blog too...I have it bookmarked so i check it to see how everything is going for you!!!!