the rocks...

Thursday, February 14, 2008

happy valentines day...

Today we are going to have a supper, cake and ice cream. It is Whitney's birthday and she was saying that she never had a supper on her birthday since she was 12. I hate to be the one to break tradition, sooooo we are celebrating it being valentines day not her birthday....haha. A$$holes, we are.

I don't know when I will be taking my holidays again. Not having to go to sleep early and swear at my alarm every morning has been a blessing. But, on the not so positive side, It feels like I broke my toe - I am taking meds for it now. I have to go for my yearly physical before my holidays are up - Start taking my regular meds. I think my one eyeball is bigger than the other - I have to go see the nurse about this before the day is over. Lets just say, I broke my eyeball. It sounds more tragic. I have to go for a belt test on my birthday - which means, no celebrating my birthday the night before. I get to spend yet more money on me truck - I have an appointment for it tommorow for my right bearings and an oil change. Ooh! My fire wound is all healed now, but I still have a bruised ass.

I went and watched that movie Fools Gold with the nieces. It was awesome. There is this one part of the movie where this not-so-bright chick had come a bright realization and it was just hilarious. The funny part was that I didn't get the joke right away and when I finally heard and comprehended what she was saying, I started laughing. By then, it was quiet in the cinema - except for me giggling. That got me laughing more to a point where I started crying cause I was laughing too much. That made me laugh some more and when I almost snorted, yeah, seen my girls leaning away from me like they didn't want people know they were with me. Hehe. Great girls night out! Must not have been that embarassing because they said we have to do that again soon.

My eye is pissing me off. Gotta go.

p.s. Yesterday was my day of mixed feelings and confusion.

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