the rocks...

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Goodmorning! Well, goodafternoon and just about good evening! I was scheduling a lazy Sunday. It started out as such. Then I forgot, it would have been my Mosom's Birthday today. He would have been turning 86? My uncle Burt was over when I woke up and he reminded me of the date today. So, I will be cooking a supper for folks today for whoever is around. Not sure what I am cooking yet. A roast, for sure. I was thinking of making soup and bannock. Mmmm, I am getting the most hungry now! Okay, well I am running over to the store to see what I can grab and maybe find some boys (who aren't lazy) to pick up the freezer over at my brothers place!

Oh yeah! I went to the Aboriginal Music Festival this past Friday night in Saskatoon. Most fun! Rock on my peoples! (Especially, Mr. Knight....)

Peace out....

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

my thought...

I think. I really do think that I need to drink. I need a night out with a few friends. Sit around have a couple drinks and laugh. No Drama. Don't need drama. I don't have much drama in my life, but at times, my friends do and sometimes that just kills the good times. However, at times, its funny as hell. Someday, I shall be the dramatic one, now that would be funny? On this night out, I think I shall dubb Janna DD! You can even come spoon with me Janna. I promise to knock you up! Okay, well its past the midnight and is now the Day After Tueseday! I shall get to bed =)

Saturday, September 06, 2008

So my JannaBanana is pregnant! Congrats Girl! Hey, if she is a girl, can you name her myBonnie Lynne JR?? Doesn't that sound AWESOME! haha .. Am just kidding.

Anyways, its a beautiful Saturday afternoon. Kind of quiet around here. I stayed in lastnight because I just be too damn lazy! I was suppose to meet a couple of the girls up in Timber Bay lastnight to have a couple drinks and shoot the breeze. Maybe another night!

I am going to start on my own Bucket List. Not that I am going to kick the bucket soon, but still! Stay tuned, for my Bucket List in the near future....

Tuesday, September 02, 2008


Woo Group Picture!

my mommy

My Nokom




