the rocks...

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Goodmorning! Well, goodafternoon and just about good evening! I was scheduling a lazy Sunday. It started out as such. Then I forgot, it would have been my Mosom's Birthday today. He would have been turning 86? My uncle Burt was over when I woke up and he reminded me of the date today. So, I will be cooking a supper for folks today for whoever is around. Not sure what I am cooking yet. A roast, for sure. I was thinking of making soup and bannock. Mmmm, I am getting the most hungry now! Okay, well I am running over to the store to see what I can grab and maybe find some boys (who aren't lazy) to pick up the freezer over at my brothers place!

Oh yeah! I went to the Aboriginal Music Festival this past Friday night in Saskatoon. Most fun! Rock on my peoples! (Especially, Mr. Knight....)

Peace out....


Anonymous said...

You really love that band don't you..I know you do you are just hiding it!!

Anonymous said...

I love him! I can Sing just Like Him...