the rocks...

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

my boot is missing

and its up someone's ass today! I did not have a very good day. I felt like quitting work today. I was just that mad. Today is not a good day. I had left work yesterday pissed off, but I kept telling myself "tommorow is a new day" and it was. It just wasn't any freaking better!

Friday, April 08, 2005

patiently waiting...

I am patiently waiting for Tash to update her blogger. I have been waiting for a real long time. I am starting to get bored with mine. Well, not necessarly bored, but mine has been quite depressing lately. It has just been an unbelievable, crazy past month. I am looking forward to some peace and quiet. I need some normality.

We had our election on April 04th on our reserve. The results were not quite what I was expecting or wanting it to be and it has been a quiet, somber week at work. I have a feeling that there will be a lot of new changes in the future and I am a bit hesitant and wary, but I am in it for the long haul. I love my job too much to just quit and pout over spilled milk. Besides, my family has been involved in politics forever and a day and I know that we can't win all time, although wouldn't that be just ideal. Life goes on.