the rocks...

Friday, June 03, 2005


I am so duh! tonight. I couldn't remember the url to my blogger for the longest time. I finally decided to just follow the links from another blogger and hope to God that I remembered my userid and password. Tonight is Graduation night on my reserve. We had a little taste as to how it was going to be this weekend. Absolutely crazy. People are drinking everywhere. Today at work, we were all sitting around saying it felt like a Friday afternoon because it was so quiet. Yeah. The calm before the storm. Next thing we knew, the ambulance was on its way, the police were called and the receptionist and I were babysitting! On the plus side, the baby was an absolute darling and the EMT driver was a cutie! Makes me want to get into EMT.

I have one more day of work before the weekend! I am not sure what I am doing yet. Lorna had called and asked if I wanted to go for a cruise tommorow up to La Ronge. Might be interesting. Either that, or I just might go to my apartment and just relax all freakin weekend. I decided this past week that I am leaving all guys alone. They suck. Girls rule! Boys drool! Childish, I know. I am allowed to be childish every now and then. I just don't know what to do. I don't just gotta do anything! It probably doesn't make sense, but I can't make sense of what is going on in my mind. I want everything my way. I don't want to give in to nothing. I want people to be at my beck and call when its convenient for ME. Is that too much to ask?


Natasha said...

... and one day you might grow up.


Natasha said...

... and one day you might grow up.
