the rocks...

Sunday, April 13, 2008

loving my stapler...

I have a new job. After seven years working at the Health Centre, I been seconded over to the Band Office. I am now the Executive Assistant for the Chief. It is a different enviroment. Different people. A different pace. It is, how do I say .... different. I still have to help the Health Centre train the people that will be taking over my job duties. There are two people doing my job and if you count the Health Director taking over my supervisory duties for the time being. That would be three. Three people to do my job! Wow. I was awesome. Maybe if I were getting paid a higher wage, I would have stayed. No, probably not. I needed change desperately.

Change I needed. Change I got! I have been stupidly busy these past two weeks that I don't even have to time to think. I am absolutely loving it and scared at the same time! At the Health Centre, I knew the programs inside out. I knew what I was doing and was excellent in my job. I been working at the band office for around 2.5 weeks and I don't know where anything is. The phones never stop ringing, requests flying in, people wandering into my office, going to meeting after meeting. I have a million and a half things needing to get done at any time of the day. Its been a whirlwind! I still have to go pack up my old office, take down my pictures, steal a couple more items. After a couple years of not getting a raise. I sure showed them! I stole my stapler. Muahahahah.

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