the rocks...

Monday, January 28, 2008

just one of those days

Today is just one of those days where you want to stay confined inside your house and not go anywhere! I slept in this morning, well, on purpose. I opened up the curtains and seen a blizzard going on. I crawled back under the covers and attempted to sleep. Damn alarm. So, I slept at 9 minute intervals. I phoned in to work with the intention of telling the receptionist that I will not be in today. Yeah. The Vice-Chief answered the phone. I will be in right away, I says! Got lazy, once again. Phoned in for the second time with the same intention as before. The reception now answers and says for me to get my butt to work as my boss from town made it into work through the blizzard. Send a taxi to pick me up in 15, I says! So here I am at work. Lazy as hell. Blizzard still going on. Boss went home. It is one of those days, where I could get a lot of work done, because it is so quiet, if only I were motivated!

I need a smoke. It is too damn cold and I am trying to cut back. If I were to cut back or heaven forbid, quit smoking, I would have to quit drinking. That is just rude. I am confused. What do I do? Kill two birds with one stone? I like birdies. I think I will try working.

p.s. Sometimes, I don't understand people. They can be confusing too.

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