the rocks...

Sunday, February 05, 2006


Like my life, my blogger needed a splash of colour to it! I love the new colours and everything and my blogger did need a bit of change, but this damn blogger thing has been pissing me off. The part that is getting me frustrated is the damn font size on the webpage. Maybe its just, but the font is soooo freaking large. When I go into the template and change the html code for the font size and press "preview changes," it shows up the way I want it. I go to my webpage after that just to check things out and yeah .. the font size is freaking huge again. Is it Is it just me? Is it my IE settings? HELP!

(5 minutes later)

hehe .. fixed it .. and umm yeah .. it was my IE settings .. my text size thing was set on "largest" .. duh! Sooo .. forget what all I said .. and Happy New Year!

Question: How long can you say "Happy New Year" for?


Natasha said...

I say you can only say happy new year for the month of January, though I can absolutely so sick of saying it that I stop on the second or third.
Now that you have redecorated your blog, you will have to post in it more often :P

mybonnie said...

I was asking that question because at the end of my voicemail on my cell phone it still says "Happy New Year!" I was thinking too that perhaps by the end of January, but just the other day, I had spotted someone in town whom I haven't seen in forever and a day and he wished me a Happy New Year! I was quite excited that I wasn't the only one still wishing people, who I haven't seen since the old year, to have a Happy New Year! So, I am thinking, that I will leave my voicemail the way it is for the time being.