the rocks...

Saturday, February 26, 2005


I just don't understand. This morning when I woke up, I had this strange feeling. One of my friends had come over and I was explaining this feeling to her. I had a queezy stomach and a slight headache. I felt like sleeping all the time, but my stomach kept bothering me. At first, I thought I was just hungry so I went and ate some leftovers. That didn't help out one bit. Actually, it got a bit worse. I was telling my friend all these symptoms and she just looked at me and said, "my Bonnie, you have a slight hangover." Weird! I never get hangovers. Why me?! I just didn't understand. If I felt like this after everytime I drank, I would damn well quit! I hear the perfect cure for a hangover, is a drink. To the bar!

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