the rocks...

Monday, October 03, 2005

msn messenger

Some friends were over to my office today and wondered why I have msn messenger installed on my computer, but always set as "Appear Offline."

This is my answer to them:

If I were to sign in as "online," my friends will start chatting with me. I will be too busy trying to carry on a conversation then worry about work. I will get behind in work. I will start stressing out because I am behind in my reports. I will start drinking because I am stressed out. I will be sent to rehab because of my drinking. I will be put on suspension from work because I am to be leading a "healthy lifestyle" while working. I will be stressed again because of my suspension. I will start drinking all over again. I will get fired from work. And why? Because I signed in as "online" on msn.

A bit dramatic are we Bonnie?

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