the rocks...

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

I was going to procrastinate today, but I think I will put it off till tommorow...

Why am I online entering in my blogger when I am super busy at work and I have a million and a half things to complete? I am a procrastinator. Which would explain why my reports are once again overdue. I was in the middle of doing my reports when I got to thinking, I haven't written in my blogger for quite some time. So here I am. Typing when I should be writing. Slacking when I should be working. Seriously now, I can't keep focus on one topic. I realized that when I started typing in this blogger. In the midst of it, I got up and went for a walk over to the Band Office and then to the store. I am now trying to figure out how to work our projector here. I still have this blogger open and all my papers are still all over my desk waiting for me to complete them. Well, I suppose it can all wait till after lunch now. Lord forbid, I work through lunch today. My grandfathers 84th birthday party is tommorow. I should, hopefully, have a picture or two to share on this webpage.

Till tommorow or next time (whichever comes first)

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