the rocks...

Tuesday, March 29, 2005


We are having our band elections this year. It has been absolutely nerve wracking. My boss is running for chief for the reserve. I haven't been at work in over a week. I had taken this time to collect on all my overtime hours to go on holidays so I can tag along on the campaign trail. On April 04, 2005, I will find out who will be our new chief & council and who will be my new boss. It is quite scary to see the list of people that are running for election and to see our possible future leaders for the next three years.

I am actually at my own place. I have been staying at my mom's place recently and just discovered that I had only stayed at my apartment for a total of two nights in this month of March. I miss my home. I miss my bed. I am planning on staying here for the next two nights then I will be back on my reserve until the elections are over.

Wish us luck!

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