Merry Christmas Folks .. (if anybody reads this...)
I cooked my first Christmas dinner all by myself! Well, just about. Kev had played army by peeling potatoes and Fonze finished it off by mashing them. It was a bit different this year. We had our late Christmas Eve dinner as usual, but my momma wasn't here, actually, a whole lotta people were not there. Oh well, some people showed up and the food was good. I think my momma really is serious about this married life and living in Manitoba thing ... hmm. On Christmas morning, Robert, Fonze, Roxanne and I had ventured off to Valley River, MB to have supper at my mom's place. After supper, Robert had come back home that night because he had to work the next day and the rest of us had spent the night. We were all being very lazy the next day on Boxing Day and spent most the day reading or watching TV. We finally got going around 6:00 p.m. to make the 6-7 hour trip home. Other than the fog, it was an uneventful ride home!
I think my truck hates me. Seriously now. Seriously? Seriously! I finished paying it all off a couple months ago and it chose then to start breaking down. I have already got an oil change, tune-up, and left bearings put on it. My to-fix list includes: right bearings, u-joint, axle sealants, and a couple flushes. That was before the heater motor went and damn well broke on me! If it isn't one thing, its another! My truck and I are having this love-hate relationship thing going on about now! I love it, it hates me.
New Years Eve. No clue what we are doing! I suppose I gotta try get this heat thing working in my truck before going anywhere. I bought the part for it today so now I just need to find someone to install it for me. HELP! Maybe, I will just hitch-hike to the nearest bar! I need a drink.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
fun, fun, fun...
I am back from my road trip to Edmonton! It was the most fun! I started and completed my Christmas shopping, I think... I sure the hell hope I am! I am like so shopped out (except if it is for myself...) Our first stop in Edmonton when we got there on Thursday? Red Lobster!! I was stupidly full by the end of the meal! Friday, I was a mall rat. I caught a taxi to the West Edmonton Mall and did a lot of window shopping. I bought myself two pairs of shoes and a hat. Love my shoes!! Candace met up with me at the mall when she was done her meetings. After wandering the mall again, we ventured off to find the Indian Casino. No luck for me :( It was on Saturday when I did all of my Christmas shopping. I caught the taxi again to the crazy, hectic mall and caught alot of great sales! We also found our way to Ikeam, Best Buy, Old Navy, and Reitmans on the other side of the city. We only got lost twice in the city. The last one was today when we were trying to find our way out of the city to go home. Good thing I packed my adventure eyes!
I am just about home. I am staying in Prince Albert tonight. I have another day off from work tommorow so I can pick up my truck tommorow that I had dropped off at the shop before heading out.
Anywhos, am gonna go watch a movie or something. Latah! *waves* to the peeps who read this :)
I am just about home. I am staying in Prince Albert tonight. I have another day off from work tommorow so I can pick up my truck tommorow that I had dropped off at the shop before heading out.
Anywhos, am gonna go watch a movie or something. Latah! *waves* to the peeps who read this :)
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
road trip...
Yah!! I am going on a road trip this weekend! I have the next two days off from work even! I will be heading to the big ole city of Edmonton, Alberta to do some christmas shopping. Must remember to pack my running shoes! I will be travelling with Candace. She has to work. Poor girl. I have to do nothing. Lucky girl! =)
Saturday, December 01, 2007
friday night...
I am home on a Friday night. I don't mind it too much anymore. There was a day when I would have been stupidly bored, but now it is more relaxing than anything especially after a long week at work. I am finally done my truck payments!! After four long years, I am done. Of course, it is when my truck starts to act up. That kind of sucks. Right before Christmas! I am suppose to be going to Edmonton next weekend with Candace to go do some shopping! I was so looking forward to it. I already have the days off to go, but its looking like I might be staying back to fix up my truck. Unless, I find a money tree. I like trees...
Have you hugged a tree today?
Have you hugged a tree today?
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
me A to Z ...
A-Age: I lie too much, I forget my own age at times
B-Better Half: ME
C-Chore you hate: Washing Dishes
D-Dads Name: John
E-Essential Make-up: Eyeliner.
F-Favourite Saying: Motherf*cker!
G-Gold or Silver: Silver
H-Hometown: Timber Bay
I- Incredible treasure(s): My picture of my future ex-husband
J- Job Title: Patient Transportation Coordinator
K- K.D.or homemade? KD!!
L- Least Favorite sport to play: I don't play in any sports I don't like
M- Moms name: Momma!
N- Name of person you admire: Friends, family, People who can quit their job!
P-Phobias: Spiders, Musquatekums, and Outhouses
Q-Quote you like: "I'm scared of everything! I'm scared of what I saw. I'm scared of what I did! Of who I am. But most of all, I'm scared of walking out of this room and never feeling the rest of my whole life the way I feel when I am with you"
R- Real annoying pet peeve(s): Stupid People.
S-Siblings: My brothers!!
T- time you woke up this morning: When my alarm went off for the 5th time.
U-Unique habit: Being me.
V-Veggies you wont eat: I like veggies!
W-Who do yo u Love: ME
X- Xrays you have had: I have had no x-rays.
Z-Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
B-Better Half: ME
C-Chore you hate: Washing Dishes
D-Dads Name: John
E-Essential Make-up: Eyeliner.
F-Favourite Saying: Motherf*cker!
G-Gold or Silver: Silver
H-Hometown: Timber Bay
I- Incredible treasure(s): My picture of my future ex-husband
J- Job Title: Patient Transportation Coordinator
K- K.D.or homemade? KD!!
L- Least Favorite sport to play: I don't play in any sports I don't like
M- Moms name: Momma!
N- Name of person you admire: Friends, family, People who can quit their job!
P-Phobias: Spiders, Musquatekums, and Outhouses
Q-Quote you like: "I'm scared of everything! I'm scared of what I saw. I'm scared of what I did! Of who I am. But most of all, I'm scared of walking out of this room and never feeling the rest of my whole life the way I feel when I am with you"
R- Real annoying pet peeve(s): Stupid People.
S-Siblings: My brothers!!
T- time you woke up this morning: When my alarm went off for the 5th time.
U-Unique habit: Being me.
V-Veggies you wont eat: I like veggies!
W-Who do yo u Love: ME
X- Xrays you have had: I have had no x-rays.
Z-Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Sunday, November 18, 2007
walking in the winter wonderland...
Its been a lazy Sunday afternoon. It has been snowing all day and it is only -4 C! Beautiful. My plans for today? Watch football and play poker! Could a girl ask for anything more?? Maybe if I had a drink and then it would be a super awesome Sunday!
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
a new addition...
We have a new addition in the house ...

A little bundle of joy was brought into the world on November 4, 2007. It got me thinking...Okay, thought is over. I am really excited for my niece because she is a brand new mommy!
I should also post a picture of puppy! Yet, another addition to our household! That picture should wait thought. I wouldn't want to steal the limelight from the baby.
A little bundle of joy was brought into the world on November 4, 2007. It got me thinking...Okay, thought is over. I am really excited for my niece because she is a brand new mommy!
I should also post a picture of puppy! Yet, another addition to our household! That picture should wait thought. I wouldn't want to steal the limelight from the baby.
Monday, October 22, 2007
I don't know how this You Tube thing works, but I figure I would check it out... This video was taken at the Karate Tournament this past weekend in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. This is my nephew performing his Kata ...
Thursday, October 18, 2007
queen for a day or two...
Leaving Saskatchewan...
I got to the airport in Saskatoon at about 5:00 a.m. on Monday morning. I had went to bed around midnight and was up by 4:00 in the morning. I kept waking up every 1/2 hour because I was too scared too sleep in. After I got my boarding pass, I went straight to Tim Hortens to grab myself a much needed coffee. I stood in line to get through the security check and when I finally got to gates, I was told that I could not take my coffee past security check! How rude is that! After grumbling and sipping a 1/4 of my coffee, I threw it away. I pray to the Coffee Gods for forgiveness! I went through the security check all right, but they went through my carry-on bag and threw away my hairspray, mousse, and thermal spray! They also went through my purse because apparently my dolphin keychain looked suspicious! The plane ride to Toronto was uneventful, but very tiring. I hate aisle seats.
Arriving in Toronto...
I was still half asleep and was not able to sleep on the plane. We picked up our luggage and proceeded out to Gate D where a car was there to pick us up and take us to our hotel room. We checked into our hotel rooms and met downstairs in the restaurant for breakfast/dinner. The other people were quite excited to be in Toronto and wanted to go site seeing and all I could think of was the very comfortable looking bed and pillow that I had seen in my room. I put away my "tired eyes" and put on my "adventurous eyes" We were told that we can use the car and driver to take us wherever we wanted that day. After dinner, we phoned up the car company and they come to pick us up. We ended up in Niagra Falls! It was my second time seeing the Falls, but it is so spectacular that I can go there over and over again.

We got back around 8:00 that evening and went straight to a restaurant called "Milestone's Bar & Grill" to meet one of the Sales Executive of the Software Company that we were to see the next day for a business meeting. The food was so delicious and we left there stupidly full! By the time we got back to the hotel room, we were all too tired to think straight.
The next day was our meeting day. The car was sent to the hotel to pick us at 8:45 a.m. and after a 40 minute drive, we arrived to our meeting place. The meeting was very interesting and informative. When I was first told that I was going to Toronto, I had no idea what kind of meeting I was going to. When people asked me why I was going to Toronto, my reply was, "I don't know, but I will find out when I get there!" Our meeting ended early and we were all set to go shopping! Me and boys went ahead to the Pro Bass Shop (The only one in Canada!!) and I got myself some sweet fishing gear! The girls had stayed behind at the office to wait for the stretch limo that was being sent and they met up with us at the Pro Bass Store. From there we proceeded to the Hockey Hall of Fame and then to the CN Tower to have supper at the revolving restaurant.

After supper, we took a detour and drove around the city in the limo. We got back to the hotel pretty late again and real exhausted. We were spoiled big time and all expenses were covered!
Leaving Toronto...
After watching a movie in the room, I went straight to bed just to get a phonecall at 6:00 a.m. to say that the car was waiting for us downstairs and we had to take off to the airport right away! Six o'clock in Toronto was 4:00 a.m. here! How tired was I! We got to the airport in time and security check went ok. My first stop after the security gates? Tim Hortens. I love the Toronto Airport! They think to have the Tim Hortens store and a whole lotta other gift stores after the Security Checks. I spent the rest of the time, browsing while waiting to board the plane.
Arriving back home...
We arrived back in Saskatchewan at about 10 o'clock in the morning. I went straight to Prince Albert, did some shopping and cruized home in time to take a shower and run to my Karate Class! I was so exhausted from the past 3 days that I slept for a whole 12 hours lastnight!! Loved it.
p.s. I now have internet at home once again!
I got to the airport in Saskatoon at about 5:00 a.m. on Monday morning. I had went to bed around midnight and was up by 4:00 in the morning. I kept waking up every 1/2 hour because I was too scared too sleep in. After I got my boarding pass, I went straight to Tim Hortens to grab myself a much needed coffee. I stood in line to get through the security check and when I finally got to gates, I was told that I could not take my coffee past security check! How rude is that! After grumbling and sipping a 1/4 of my coffee, I threw it away. I pray to the Coffee Gods for forgiveness! I went through the security check all right, but they went through my carry-on bag and threw away my hairspray, mousse, and thermal spray! They also went through my purse because apparently my dolphin keychain looked suspicious! The plane ride to Toronto was uneventful, but very tiring. I hate aisle seats.
Arriving in Toronto...
I was still half asleep and was not able to sleep on the plane. We picked up our luggage and proceeded out to Gate D where a car was there to pick us up and take us to our hotel room. We checked into our hotel rooms and met downstairs in the restaurant for breakfast/dinner. The other people were quite excited to be in Toronto and wanted to go site seeing and all I could think of was the very comfortable looking bed and pillow that I had seen in my room. I put away my "tired eyes" and put on my "adventurous eyes" We were told that we can use the car and driver to take us wherever we wanted that day. After dinner, we phoned up the car company and they come to pick us up. We ended up in Niagra Falls! It was my second time seeing the Falls, but it is so spectacular that I can go there over and over again.
We got back around 8:00 that evening and went straight to a restaurant called "Milestone's Bar & Grill" to meet one of the Sales Executive of the Software Company that we were to see the next day for a business meeting. The food was so delicious and we left there stupidly full! By the time we got back to the hotel room, we were all too tired to think straight.
The next day was our meeting day. The car was sent to the hotel to pick us at 8:45 a.m. and after a 40 minute drive, we arrived to our meeting place. The meeting was very interesting and informative. When I was first told that I was going to Toronto, I had no idea what kind of meeting I was going to. When people asked me why I was going to Toronto, my reply was, "I don't know, but I will find out when I get there!" Our meeting ended early and we were all set to go shopping! Me and boys went ahead to the Pro Bass Shop (The only one in Canada!!) and I got myself some sweet fishing gear! The girls had stayed behind at the office to wait for the stretch limo that was being sent and they met up with us at the Pro Bass Store. From there we proceeded to the Hockey Hall of Fame and then to the CN Tower to have supper at the revolving restaurant.
After supper, we took a detour and drove around the city in the limo. We got back to the hotel pretty late again and real exhausted. We were spoiled big time and all expenses were covered!
Leaving Toronto...
After watching a movie in the room, I went straight to bed just to get a phonecall at 6:00 a.m. to say that the car was waiting for us downstairs and we had to take off to the airport right away! Six o'clock in Toronto was 4:00 a.m. here! How tired was I! We got to the airport in time and security check went ok. My first stop after the security gates? Tim Hortens. I love the Toronto Airport! They think to have the Tim Hortens store and a whole lotta other gift stores after the Security Checks. I spent the rest of the time, browsing while waiting to board the plane.
Arriving back home...
We arrived back in Saskatchewan at about 10 o'clock in the morning. I went straight to Prince Albert, did some shopping and cruized home in time to take a shower and run to my Karate Class! I was so exhausted from the past 3 days that I slept for a whole 12 hours lastnight!! Loved it.
p.s. I now have internet at home once again!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
I am heading to Toronto in the morning. The flight leaves at 6:00 a.m. and I have to be at the airport by 5:00 o'clock in the freaking morning! I am so excited, but at the same time, I am scared to sleep in! I will be back by the Day After Tuesday and should, hopefully, be back on the reserve that evening for my Karate Class. I don't want to miss class seeing I can do a whole five pushups! *laughs* Pitiful, I know, but I have got to be the weakest person ever so that is good for me! If I don't feel the need to go back to work on Thursday, I will have a super long weekend! I am scheduled to be off from work for the whole week. We will see how that goes. I have to be up in about 5 hours, I should get to bed.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Bad Luck Continues...
I think my bad luck continued on from Pam's Car. It started out by something as simple as renting a scratched movie and being 7 minutes late of exchanging it. My change purse got lost. It had my bank card, credit card, drivers license, status card and my gas money home. So here I was, stuck in town, with no money and a truck that was on empty. As soon as I realized that it wasn't in my friends truck, like I originally thought it would be, I called the bank. Yeah. They probabaly didn't believe it was really me. I couldn't answer any questions to verify it was really me they were talking too! That was funny. Pitiful, but funny. I didn't know my credit card number. I didn't know the phone number associated to my card or if I had my card for over five years. I didn't know my age. Oh hell, I have been lying about my age for years, I fool myself! I told them my date of birth and got them to do the math. I did, however, remember the last transaction made on my card and for how much! How proud was I?! It was for a freaking seat belt ticket! Damn cops anyways. Anywhos, after losing my purse thing, I went for a ride with Janna. We were two blocks away and we ran out of gas. I told her maybe I shouldn't have went for a ride with her because am nothing but bad luck. Seriously now, I was going to go pick up my truck to get her gas, but with my bad luck, I would probably run out of gas right beside her! It would have been out of support though!
I do see a bit of sunshine in the tunnel though!! I found an old picture ID that was in my truck. Using that ID, I was able to pick up the money that my brother wired me from the states. My brother to the rescue!
I do see a bit of sunshine in the tunnel though!! I found an old picture ID that was in my truck. Using that ID, I was able to pick up the money that my brother wired me from the states. My brother to the rescue!
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Terynce Birthday Party
I went to a birthday party for my nephew Teryence yesterday. Yummy Cake & Ice Cream!!

On the way home, Pam tried to kill me...

We were just about home! We had decided to go on the old road to get back to the reserve .. I hear Pam screaming .. I look beside me .. and there goes the tire ... cruizing past the car ... DAMN. I did not just say that. Anywhos, Pam is trying to kill me off, I swear. I am all her friend. WHY? I think by the end of the night, we had come to the conclusion .. It is Lorna's fault. If only Lorna had Teryence a day earlier. The car was just fine on Tuesday ... *shrugs*
On the way home, Pam tried to kill me...
We were just about home! We had decided to go on the old road to get back to the reserve .. I hear Pam screaming .. I look beside me .. and there goes the tire ... cruizing past the car ... DAMN. I did not just say that. Anywhos, Pam is trying to kill me off, I swear. I am all her friend. WHY? I think by the end of the night, we had come to the conclusion .. It is Lorna's fault. If only Lorna had Teryence a day earlier. The car was just fine on Tuesday ... *shrugs*
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Well, I guess its that time...
It is Sunday. Time for me to pack up and wander on towards home. I am seriously contemplating getting the internet hooked back up at home. I missed it. Weird.
It really is different around here at times. On this past Friday, it would have been my mosom's birthday. We had no supper. There are still times when I forget that he has passed on. I would be at the casino or something having a drink or a cigarette and for a brief moment, I would hesitate and glance around... Just for that brief moment, I would forget ...
It really is different around here at times. On this past Friday, it would have been my mosom's birthday. We had no supper. There are still times when I forget that he has passed on. I would be at the casino or something having a drink or a cigarette and for a brief moment, I would hesitate and glance around... Just for that brief moment, I would forget ...
Friday, September 21, 2007
I am so exhausted today. I slept for about 2 hours lastnight, but I still made it to my informational workshop all day today! Interesting meeting about Pandemic Planning. I have been on this committee for a few months now and it's scary to think of what will happen when the pandemic hits. What was the theme today ... it went something like .. "Its hard to plan a disaster, but even harder to explain why there was no plan.." We have been working on a pandemic plan for our community, but still needs a lot of work.
Today would have been my mosom's birthday. I almost had a moment today. I had to leave my meeting and step outside for some air ...
Today would have been my mosom's birthday. I almost had a moment today. I had to leave my meeting and step outside for some air ...
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Shout out to everyone or anyone who still reads my pathetic attempt of a blog! I am absolutely terrible in trying to keep it updated. In my defence, the internet back at home is still temporarily disconnected. That is my excuse and I am sticking to it.
What have I been up to, you ask?! I have been on holidays and absolutely loving it! I am going on my third and last week of Annual Leave. I am not totally thrilled at the prospect of going back to work, but it has to be done.
We did a surprise visit to my mom in Manitoba on her birthday! I had phoned her up first thing in the morning to wish her a Happy Birthday and to get an idea as to how she was spending her birthday and if she was going to be home. I told her that I was being sent to meetings for the day and that one of my brothers was sent to work for the day and that he would call her at 5:00 p.m. That was my way of ensuring that she be there when we arrived. I also involved one of my aunties in my lies. Thank you Auntie! To make a long story short, my mom was really surprised and was almost crying when she seen us in the front yard. Aww. I miss her.
The rest of my holidays included a road trip to a new casino that just opened, cleaning up my basement, playing poker (love it), painting my bedroom and reorganizing, reading books (I haven't did this in forever!), and last, but not least, much needed rest and relaxation.
What have I been up to, you ask?! I have been on holidays and absolutely loving it! I am going on my third and last week of Annual Leave. I am not totally thrilled at the prospect of going back to work, but it has to be done.
We did a surprise visit to my mom in Manitoba on her birthday! I had phoned her up first thing in the morning to wish her a Happy Birthday and to get an idea as to how she was spending her birthday and if she was going to be home. I told her that I was being sent to meetings for the day and that one of my brothers was sent to work for the day and that he would call her at 5:00 p.m. That was my way of ensuring that she be there when we arrived. I also involved one of my aunties in my lies. Thank you Auntie! To make a long story short, my mom was really surprised and was almost crying when she seen us in the front yard. Aww. I miss her.
The rest of my holidays included a road trip to a new casino that just opened, cleaning up my basement, playing poker (love it), painting my bedroom and reorganizing, reading books (I haven't did this in forever!), and last, but not least, much needed rest and relaxation.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
a quick rundown...
A quick rundown as to what I have been doing...
Sun., July 15, 2007: Drove to Prince Albert to stay overnight at a friends place (in order to wake up early to do some errands before doing some major grocery shopping for staff retreat)
Mon., July 16, 2007: Slept In - Damn It. Major running around before finally meeting up with a couple co-workers to shop at the Canadian Wholesale. Ventured on to Thompson's Camp, north of La Ronge, in the evening after getting a damn seatbelt ticket in town. Arrived late and with a flat tire. The boys changed my tire. Thank You.
Tue., July 17, 2007: Woke up to a beautiful, sunny shining day. Went fishing from 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Nice tan. Played poker this evening. Awesome.
Wed., July 18, 2007: Attended meetings from 10 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Counting the hours and minutes till I got to go fishing again. Yah!! Candace and I went fishing in one boat and was following the boys in the other boat. Found the Twin Falls and the North Falls. I got some great pictures of the rapids and an eagle nest. Candace only panicked once. Not bad. It was when we supposedly almost went down the rapids. Hrmph! I had everything under control. Took a wrong turn on the way back somewheres and was temporarily lost. We arrived back at camp at about 11:30 that evening after the "Search & Rescue Team" attempted to find us, but by then we were 5-10 minutes away. Damn islands kept moving. Like, I said, everything under control.
Thu., July 19, 2007: Attended meetings again from 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Uneventful fishing trip this evening. More beautiful pictures that I will get to posting someday. Played Poker.
Fri., July 20, 2007: Packed up to go back to Prince Albert. Tire almost fell off from truck (literally!!) around 30 minutes from town. Barely made it back. Had to spend the night in town to get the tire & rim repaired and replaced.
Sat., July 21, 2007: Got a new used rim! Everything good to go. Did some shopping. Stopped off at McFee Lake on the way home because some friends were camping there for the weekend. Ended up sitting around the campfire, talking and laughing till about 3 a.m. Am exhausted! But seriously girls, some of those stories ... definitely NOT campfire stories.
Sun., July 22, 2007: I was suppose to go fishing today on Bittern Lake with Norm and friends. Change of Plans! I went for a drive with Lisa and had a few drinks then checked out Wheezy and Steve at their campsite. Sat around the campfire again.
Mon., July 23, 2007: Got up early in the damn morning to go into town for a dentist appointment. Hottest day of the freaking year and no air conditioning! I survived, barely. The dentist took my favourite tooth. Bastard.
Tue., July 24, 2007: Went to work today. Bad Idea. Everything was crazy. There was a very brief power outage yesterday that screwed up the phone lines. The phone company came down, got it going. The power company was called - fixed a transformer. The back-up generator did work today, although it worked yesterday. An electrician had to be called for some electrical work (duh!) that was imbalanced? Lord knows.
Wed., July 25, 2007: Worked for a couple hours then went into town to pick up new cell phones for our taxi's and to take the nursing van in for some vehicle maintenance. Almost finished reading the new Harry Potter Book. Stayed up way too late, again.
Thu., July 26, 2007: Went to work. Kinda crazy, but not that bad. Finished the Harry Potter Book during my lunch hour! Our annual golf tournament was today. I did not attend, didn't really know about the event even if our family hosts it every year. It's different now. Still miss my favourite tooth. It hurts. Really, the dentist is a bastard.
Sun., July 15, 2007: Drove to Prince Albert to stay overnight at a friends place (in order to wake up early to do some errands before doing some major grocery shopping for staff retreat)
Mon., July 16, 2007: Slept In - Damn It. Major running around before finally meeting up with a couple co-workers to shop at the Canadian Wholesale. Ventured on to Thompson's Camp, north of La Ronge, in the evening after getting a damn seatbelt ticket in town. Arrived late and with a flat tire. The boys changed my tire. Thank You.
Tue., July 17, 2007: Woke up to a beautiful, sunny shining day. Went fishing from 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Nice tan. Played poker this evening. Awesome.
Wed., July 18, 2007: Attended meetings from 10 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Counting the hours and minutes till I got to go fishing again. Yah!! Candace and I went fishing in one boat and was following the boys in the other boat. Found the Twin Falls and the North Falls. I got some great pictures of the rapids and an eagle nest. Candace only panicked once. Not bad. It was when we supposedly almost went down the rapids. Hrmph! I had everything under control. Took a wrong turn on the way back somewheres and was temporarily lost. We arrived back at camp at about 11:30 that evening after the "Search & Rescue Team" attempted to find us, but by then we were 5-10 minutes away. Damn islands kept moving. Like, I said, everything under control.
Thu., July 19, 2007: Attended meetings again from 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Uneventful fishing trip this evening. More beautiful pictures that I will get to posting someday. Played Poker.
Fri., July 20, 2007: Packed up to go back to Prince Albert. Tire almost fell off from truck (literally!!) around 30 minutes from town. Barely made it back. Had to spend the night in town to get the tire & rim repaired and replaced.
Sat., July 21, 2007: Got a new used rim! Everything good to go. Did some shopping. Stopped off at McFee Lake on the way home because some friends were camping there for the weekend. Ended up sitting around the campfire, talking and laughing till about 3 a.m. Am exhausted! But seriously girls, some of those stories ... definitely NOT campfire stories.
Sun., July 22, 2007: I was suppose to go fishing today on Bittern Lake with Norm and friends. Change of Plans! I went for a drive with Lisa and had a few drinks then checked out Wheezy and Steve at their campsite. Sat around the campfire again.
Mon., July 23, 2007: Got up early in the damn morning to go into town for a dentist appointment. Hottest day of the freaking year and no air conditioning! I survived, barely. The dentist took my favourite tooth. Bastard.
Tue., July 24, 2007: Went to work today. Bad Idea. Everything was crazy. There was a very brief power outage yesterday that screwed up the phone lines. The phone company came down, got it going. The power company was called - fixed a transformer. The back-up generator did work today, although it worked yesterday. An electrician had to be called for some electrical work (duh!) that was imbalanced? Lord knows.
Wed., July 25, 2007: Worked for a couple hours then went into town to pick up new cell phones for our taxi's and to take the nursing van in for some vehicle maintenance. Almost finished reading the new Harry Potter Book. Stayed up way too late, again.
Thu., July 26, 2007: Went to work. Kinda crazy, but not that bad. Finished the Harry Potter Book during my lunch hour! Our annual golf tournament was today. I did not attend, didn't really know about the event even if our family hosts it every year. It's different now. Still miss my favourite tooth. It hurts. Really, the dentist is a bastard.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Thompson's Camp here I come again !
wow .. look at me posting twice in one month! I am over at Candaces again for the night. We will be taking off to Thompson's Camp tommorow for the week on a staff retreat. I am looking forward to a week of fishing and playing poker! Can life get any better than that?! I was already up there last week for meetings and had a blast. It was ... lets say ... relaxing and adventurous ... On the first day there .. we had a blow out on one of the tires of the car .. then could have been a snack for a bear ... I didn't even get to take a picture of the bear .. Found out that I can still run though! And apparently, you are not suppose to run from a bear .. Now people tell me!
Sunday, July 08, 2007
It is Sunday morning and I have been up for a couple of hours already. There are people sleeping everywhere in this joint. I am over at Janna's apartment and I have been here all weekend. We are taking off back home today so I can go pack up and take off to Thompson's Camp tommorow for a week of fishing ... (and working, I suppose).
Tash, if you are reading this send me an email with the url to your website! I went and changed the template on my blogger here and your website link disappeared. You know me, I am forgetful and have even forgotten the url to my own site.
Okay, people are stirring about now ...
Tash, if you are reading this send me an email with the url to your website! I went and changed the template on my blogger here and your website link disappeared. You know me, I am forgetful and have even forgotten the url to my own site.
Okay, people are stirring about now ...
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Good Mornin ..
Top of the morning to you. It is Saturday morning and I am still in Prince Albert. I believe Janna and Pamela just got home a little while ago, while Candace went to the Farmers Market. I should be getting ready here pretty soon. Candace is going to phone me when she is done at the Farmers Market and we are going to go for breakfast. Mmmm, food. I went to go meet the girls lastnight at the bar. It was fun. Right after the bar closed, the girls ventured off in one direction and I come back home. I is too old to go out after the bar. It was fun while it lasted.
I wanna go fishing. I have the whole day ahead of me. I am up early so I might as well make the best of it eh? That and I have to be back at work on Monday. I think Candace phoned. Gotta Go.
I wanna go fishing. I have the whole day ahead of me. I am up early so I might as well make the best of it eh? That and I have to be back at work on Monday. I think Candace phoned. Gotta Go.
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
knocked up...
No, no, no .. I am not knocked up. I went to go watch the movie Knocked Up. Some parts were so hilarious and other parts were like .. oh my god .. they just showed that? they just said that? It made it more funny. I think it traumatized me. The next movies that I want to go and watch is Pirates of the Carribean and Shrek 3. I just need to find friends that haven't watched them yet. Good luck to me!
I am in town for the rest of the week for a conference. I am thoroughly enjoying the time away from work. My conference is for three days and I had taken two EDOs (Earned Day Off) so I am not scheduled to be back at work till Monday. It is like a mini-holiday.
I am going to head to bed. I was in the middle of writing this journal entry when I started browsing and reading through my friends journals. Talk about attention deficit.
I am in town for the rest of the week for a conference. I am thoroughly enjoying the time away from work. My conference is for three days and I had taken two EDOs (Earned Day Off) so I am not scheduled to be back at work till Monday. It is like a mini-holiday.
I am going to head to bed. I was in the middle of writing this journal entry when I started browsing and reading through my friends journals. Talk about attention deficit.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Construction Ahead ...
You may see changes every now and then on the website. I am redesigning and trying to figure things out here. I was attempting to put up the "Comments" part on the blogger, but gave up on that. Instead, I put that landscape picture along with the title. That picture was taken at Bittern Lake, Saskatchewan on May 16, 2007 at approximately 8:18:24 p.m. ;)
5 seconds after posting .... the "Comments" showed up .... after I pressed the "allow" button on the Reader Comments part ... who would have thunk it would be that easy ...
5 seconds after posting .... the "Comments" showed up .... after I pressed the "allow" button on the Reader Comments part ... who would have thunk it would be that easy ...
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Good Mornin :)
Just a quick note to everyone to say Good Morning! Still working on my first cup of coffee here and me brain ain't functioning yet. Another long weekend gone :( We have had crazy weather recently. One day it was +22 C and then the next day, there was a blanket of snow on the ground. Weird. This past long weekend, it rained. And rained. Crappy. Oh well, it still turned out pretty good. Janna had come down for a couple days. There is a saying that in every group of friends, there is a slutty one. If there isn't one, then most likely, it is you. Well in our circle of friends, Janna is the one. We still love her though. Hehe :)
Okay, I should get to work. I have already received a couple phonecalls, requests, inquiries and have had someone come see me. I suppose I gotta go earn my paycheque.
Okay, I should get to work. I have already received a couple phonecalls, requests, inquiries and have had someone come see me. I suppose I gotta go earn my paycheque.
Friday, May 11, 2007
Still loving my new camera!! Dropped it once already though .. before I bought warrenty .. almost cried .. nothing broken, still works .. no tears and I now have a 4-year warrenty on it. (Still can not remember the site where I posted pictures .. help TASH!)
I started writing a big ole entry, but ended up deleting everything. Everything was random. It jumped from subject to subject. I read over it and ended up skimming through it. I got bored. Maybe I am just tired. I have a few days off from work starting today and had went fishing twice already. I love to fish whether it be snare-fishing or casting. It is so stress-releasing. When I am out fishing, I worry about nothing. I don't think of work. I don't think of deadlines. I don't think of bills. I don't think .. well, you get the point. I am just In my own lil' world while fishing. FISH ON!
Happy Mothers Day on Sunday to everyone :)
I started writing a big ole entry, but ended up deleting everything. Everything was random. It jumped from subject to subject. I read over it and ended up skimming through it. I got bored. Maybe I am just tired. I have a few days off from work starting today and had went fishing twice already. I love to fish whether it be snare-fishing or casting. It is so stress-releasing. When I am out fishing, I worry about nothing. I don't think of work. I don't think of deadlines. I don't think of bills. I don't think .. well, you get the point. I am just In my own lil' world while fishing. FISH ON!
Happy Mothers Day on Sunday to everyone :)
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Hello Internet World! How beautiful it is too see you once again. It shall be a brief visit though. I am over at a friends place for the night and saw the laptop on the desk just calling my name. How I missed you!! I have been without access to the internet at home for quite a while now. We are not totally uncivilized anymore though because our phone is once again hooked up after 25 long days and nights without it. There isn't too much to say at the moment as it is past the midnight here and feeling like an old kokom here *yawn*. I do have a brand new sweeeeeet digital camera that I am still discovering! We are having a big ole bbq tommorow and will take that opportunity to play with my camera (no more taking pics of myself to figure out some of the features ... well maybe a couple more .. ) If I remember the how-to .. I shall post some pictures .. damn it .. gotta remember the website where I do that from .. grr .. so forgetful I am. It had taken me some time to remember my blogger site even .. lol. Anywhos, I shall be off and Ibid thee goodnight.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
I fell in love again with this radio station The Bear. It is a rock station based out of Edmonton, Alberta. I listen to it quite a bit while I am at work. Besides the music they play, the other thing that I love is that it shows the name of the band and the song while it is playing which is positively the awesomest for me because am terrible at remembering song titles & the artists. While I am on the subject of music, another website to check out is Garage Band for a variety of selection of independent music.
There. I am done advertising.
And, Happy February!
There. I am done advertising.
And, Happy February!
Monday, January 22, 2007
I don't really know what to write about today, but I am sitting in front of my computer with some free time so I thought, what the hell. I have been spending a lot of time at home recently. Doing the "mother" role. Its been relaxing actually, but am saving all my energy for my birthday weekend when I turn 25! Yah me. There is always a big cabaret on that weekend and this year, I am calling it my birthday party.
I am working on this project at work that has made going to work more enjoyable. There was a time that I wanted to throw in the ropes and call it quits. If it wasn't for the bills, I would have. But now, I like going to work. Well, not today, but thats because I was the receptionist this morning and there is nothing more I hate than answering phones. The phones were absolutely crazy this morning. I get to go shopping for new company vehicles! I love to shop. Especially when I am not using my own money. We are signing a new transportation agreement at the end of March and with this agreement, we get to purchase new vehicles AND I might be getting a raise! Yah Me!
I am about done typing here. Playing online poker right now. Gotta love poker :)
I am working on this project at work that has made going to work more enjoyable. There was a time that I wanted to throw in the ropes and call it quits. If it wasn't for the bills, I would have. But now, I like going to work. Well, not today, but thats because I was the receptionist this morning and there is nothing more I hate than answering phones. The phones were absolutely crazy this morning. I get to go shopping for new company vehicles! I love to shop. Especially when I am not using my own money. We are signing a new transportation agreement at the end of March and with this agreement, we get to purchase new vehicles AND I might be getting a raise! Yah Me!
I am about done typing here. Playing online poker right now. Gotta love poker :)
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