Just a quick note to everyone to say Good Morning! Still working on my first cup of coffee here and me brain ain't functioning yet. Another long weekend gone :( We have had crazy weather recently. One day it was +22 C and then the next day, there was a blanket of snow on the ground. Weird. This past long weekend, it rained. And rained. Crappy. Oh well, it still turned out pretty good. Janna had come down for a couple days. There is a saying that in every group of friends, there is a slutty one. If there isn't one, then most likely, it is you. Well in our circle of friends, Janna is the one. We still love her though. Hehe :)
Okay, I should get to work. I have already received a couple phonecalls, requests, inquiries and have had someone come see me. I suppose I gotta go earn my paycheque.