I don't really know what to write about today, but I am sitting in front of my computer with some free time so I thought, what the hell. I have been spending a lot of time at home recently. Doing the "mother" role. Its been relaxing actually, but am saving all my energy for my birthday weekend when I turn 25! Yah me. There is always a big cabaret on that weekend and this year, I am calling it my birthday party.
I am working on this project at work that has made going to work more enjoyable. There was a time that I wanted to throw in the ropes and call it quits. If it wasn't for the bills, I would have. But now, I like going to work. Well, not today, but thats because I was the receptionist this morning and there is nothing more I hate than answering phones. The phones were absolutely crazy this morning. I get to go shopping for new company vehicles! I love to shop. Especially when I am not using my own money. We are signing a new transportation agreement at the end of March and with this agreement, we get to purchase new vehicles AND I might be getting a raise! Yah Me!
I am about done typing here. Playing online poker right now. Gotta love poker :)