the rocks...

Thursday, August 30, 2007


Shout out to everyone or anyone who still reads my pathetic attempt of a blog! I am absolutely terrible in trying to keep it updated. In my defence, the internet back at home is still temporarily disconnected. That is my excuse and I am sticking to it.

What have I been up to, you ask?! I have been on holidays and absolutely loving it! I am going on my third and last week of Annual Leave. I am not totally thrilled at the prospect of going back to work, but it has to be done.

We did a surprise visit to my mom in Manitoba on her birthday! I had phoned her up first thing in the morning to wish her a Happy Birthday and to get an idea as to how she was spending her birthday and if she was going to be home. I told her that I was being sent to meetings for the day and that one of my brothers was sent to work for the day and that he would call her at 5:00 p.m. That was my way of ensuring that she be there when we arrived. I also involved one of my aunties in my lies. Thank you Auntie! To make a long story short, my mom was really surprised and was almost crying when she seen us in the front yard. Aww. I miss her.

The rest of my holidays included a road trip to a new casino that just opened, cleaning up my basement, playing poker (love it), painting my bedroom and reorganizing, reading books (I haven't did this in forever!), and last, but not least, much needed rest and relaxation.

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