the rocks...

Thursday, February 17, 2005


Its the day after my birthday. Do I feel older? Absolutely not. I figure, age is just a number. Are you as old as you feel? If that is the case, I am still 21. It was a lovely day yesterday. The one time of the year, when my phone won't stop ringing from friends and family wishing me a Happy Birthday. I felt popular and it wasn't even a Friday night! Its the day after and my phone is quiet once again. Welcome back to the real world Bonnie! Speaking of the real world, I best be heading to work!

Candace, Me & Nimis
I am beginning to think, rather, remember that I don't like my own pictures. I thought I would add this picture just because I know the how to now!

1 comment:

SaNiTy LaNe said...

Happy Birthday! hubba hubba!!!!!!!!!