Saturday, February 26, 2005
I just don't understand. This morning when I woke up, I had this strange feeling. One of my friends had come over and I was explaining this feeling to her. I had a queezy stomach and a slight headache. I felt like sleeping all the time, but my stomach kept bothering me. At first, I thought I was just hungry so I went and ate some leftovers. That didn't help out one bit. Actually, it got a bit worse. I was telling my friend all these symptoms and she just looked at me and said, "my Bonnie, you have a slight hangover." Weird! I never get hangovers. Why me?! I just didn't understand. If I felt like this after everytime I drank, I would damn well quit! I hear the perfect cure for a hangover, is a drink. To the bar!
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
movie fest
I don't really have anything to write about tonight, but I am trying to get myself to write in this blogger thing on a somewhat regular basis. I was on a total movie fest this past weekend. I finally got to watch The Grudge! When it was in the theatres, I was too scared to go and see the movie, but I finally gathered up my courage to watch it. It was freaky. I think I only screamed once and closed my eyes twice. Not bad if I say so myself. Other movies that I watched this past weekend was Taxi, Napoleon Dynamite, Raise Your Voice, The Cookout, and King Arthur just to name a few. I had to work for a couple days on the ice out at the reserve, but other than that, it was a nice and relaxing long weekend. I think I must have another one of those!
Thursday, February 17, 2005
Its the day after my birthday. Do I feel older? Absolutely not. I figure, age is just a number. Are you as old as you feel? If that is the case, I am still 21. It was a lovely day yesterday. The one time of the year, when my phone won't stop ringing from friends and family wishing me a Happy Birthday. I felt popular and it wasn't even a Friday night! Its the day after and my phone is quiet once again. Welcome back to the real world Bonnie! Speaking of the real world, I best be heading to work!

Candace, Me & Nimis
I am beginning to think, rather, remember that I don't like my own pictures. I thought I would add this picture just because I know the how to now!
Friday, February 11, 2005
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
work is overrated...
Once again, I am going to be late again for work. I really don't mind. Most the time I am running a bit late as well. The one time when we could have been at work on time, I had slept in. Its a wonder why the boss still keeps us around. It would be a freaking miracle if we were to show up to work either on time or early. The other day, we had seen a baby cougar on the side of the road. Well, my friend and I are still debating what kind of animal it was. She says it was a rabbit. Really now, its winter. The animal was brown. Rabbits are white in the winter time. Maybe it wanted to be different? Nah. I still say it was a baby cougar or a baby lynx. Well, am thinking, that my friend should be calling me pretty soon saying that she is outside waiting for me. It is now 8:00 a.m. and we are suppose to be at work at 8:30 a.m. Of course, we have to stop by Timmy's and pick up coffee. Whats a day without timmy's coffee? Okay, she just called. I have to meet her at the store in a couple minutes then we will make our one-hour trek to work, after stopping at Tim Horten's, of course. Why do we work? Its ridiculous. Can't I just get paid to sit at home? Now that would be just too damn ideal eh?
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